martes, 13 de enero de 2015

Planificación de una clase

¡Hola a todos!

Hoy os traigo la planificación de una clase de 50 minutos que Luz nos ha encargado realizar durante estas vacaciones. Esta planificación la hemos llevado a cabo mis compañeras Alejandra, Olga y yo. ¡Esperamos que os guste!

TOPIC: Health and Medicine

Mis compañeras de grupo y yohemos planificado una clase de 50 minutos dirigida a alumnos de 2º de Bachillerato. La parte central de la clase se centra en la realización de una actividad de comprensión escrita, pero previamente vamos a realizar una actividad de warm up y, posteriormente, explicaremos el ejercicio para realizar en casa.

Warm-up activity (10 min):
En primer lugar, plantearemos una warm up activity. Dicha actividad consistirá en un brainstorm relacionado con el tema de la salud y la medicina. Para ello, preguntaremos a los alumnos: What vocabulary do you know about health and medicine? Lo que esperamos de ellos es que respondan con vocabulario básico, como por ejemplo doctor, nurse, pills, flu, surgery, temperature, thermometer… Anotaremos todas estas palabras en la pizarra y después, nosotros completaremos este brainstorm con palabras más complejas y de más nivel, por ejemplo: gauze, crutches, syringe, stretcher
Finalmente, después de esta introducción, plantearemos una pregunta previa al texto: What do you know about ebola? Do you know its symptoms?

1st reading activity (20 min):
El alumnado deberá leer el texto por primera vez; tendrán aproximadamente 10 minutos para realizar dicha primera lectura. Tras haberlo leído, recibirán 5 párrafos extra; repartidos a lo largo del texto hay 4 números. El objetivo es que coloquen 4 de los 5 párrafos que les damos en el texto de manera coherente (prestando atención a los conectores y al vocabulario que les indique si ya se ha tratado esa cuestión o no). Uno de los 5 párrafos sobra y no es necesario introducirlo en el texto. Tendrán 10 minutos para asociar cada párrafo a un número del 1 al 4.

2nd reading activity (15 min):
Para realizar una actividad de segunda lectura, nos centraremos en el vocabulario que puede resultar nuevo para ellos o más complicado. Se les pedirá a los alumnos que, en parejas, definan con sus propias palabras o den un sinónimo de los siguientes términos o expresiones dentro del contexto en el que aparecen en el texto: to be tested, disease, the coming months, joint, sore, rash, body fluids, incubation period, flu. Si es necesario, los alumnos podrán consultar diccionarios online.
Tendrán 10 minutos para realizar esta actividad. En los siguientes 5 minutos se corregirá de forma aleatoria, intentando que participe la mayor parte de los alumnos y que se den varias definiciones de cada concepto.

Homework (5 min):
Se les pedirá a los alumnos que hagan un ensayo de opinión de 150-200 palabras sobre si piensan que el ébola se puede convertir en una epidemia a nivel mundial. Do you think that ebola can become a worldwide epidemic?

Anexo: texto con párrafos para ordenar y palabras (correspondiente a la 1st reading activity).

Ebola crisis: What are the symptoms – and how is the virus spread?
A second patient is being tested for Ebola this morning after a health worker became the first person diagnosed with the disease in the UK on Monday.
A patient is being assessed for possible Ebola symptoms at the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro, Cornwall, and a woman who tested positive in Glasgow has been moved to London for treatment.
[1] _______________
"The NHS is very well prepared for Ebola and the requirement for screening at selected ports of entry is being kept continually under review," she added.

What are the symptoms?
The NHS states that if someone is infected with Ebola they will develop a fever and experience headaches, joint and muscle pain, a sore throat and intense muscle weakness.
[2] _______________
After these symptoms develop people experience diarrhoea, vomiting, a rash, and stomach pain before liver and kidney functions deteriorate.
Ebola then causes internal bleeding and patients can bleed from their ears, eyes, nose or mouth.

How is Ebola spread?
Ebola is spread through contact with the blood and body fluids of an infected person, such as urine, vomit, diarrhoea and faeces, and saliva. The World Health Organisation makes it clear that patients do not become contagious until they are displaying symptoms of Ebola. They are not contagious during the incubation period.
The infection can be transmitted when these infected fluids come into direct contact with another person’s broken skin, or with mucus membranes, which are found in the lining of the nose and mouth.
[3] _______________
For men who survive the virus, sex with a condom is advised for a period of time as Ebola is present in semen for up to seven weeks after full recovery.

What should you do if you think you have it?
The NHS has treatment plans in place, but also highlights that there are other illnesses more common than Ebola that have similar symptoms such as fever, muscle aches, headaches, vomiting, diarrhoea, and could be linked to the flu, typhoid fever or malaria.
However, if a person is experiencing any of these symptoms within 21 days of returning from Guinea, Liberia or Sierra Leone, the NHS advises that people stay at home and contact the health service immediately on 111 or 999.

What are the protections the UK has in place?
Key airports and ports of entry, including Heathrow, Gatwick , Manchester and Eurostar terminals are running Ebola screens for passengers from at-risk countries.
People travelling to the UK from Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia are generally being tested before boarding a plane, and they are identified by UK Border Force officers when arriving in Britain. They are screened by nurses and consultants from Public Health England by having their temperatures recorded, their contact details taken and fill out a risk questionnaire.
[4] _______________
Four hospitals have been placed on standby for any possible Ebola cases in the UK; the Royal Free Hospital in London, which cared for William Pooley, and hospitals in Sheffield, Liverpool and Newcastle, which have isolation beds for treatment.

The infection can also be spread through contaminated objects and surfaces, such as soiled clothing or bedding, by touching the contaminated areas and then touching broken skin, or the nose or mouth. (3)
These symptoms are known to develop suddenly, between two and 21 days of a person becoming infected, but patients typically develop these symptoms after five to seven days. (2)
But figures from Public Health England (PHE) show that 112 of the 113 tests on suspected Ebola sufferers were negative, up to 4 December. (sobra)
If a person has had contact with Ebola patients but are not displaying any symptoms, they will be contacted by Public Health England daily to monitor their status. (4)
 England's Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies said the risk to the general public remains "very low" but more cases could emerge over the coming months. (1)

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